The usual questions …

How much does membership to Taunus Toastmasters cost?

The half-yearly contribution is 70 euros. That is 11,67 EUR per month – and you will see: It is always worth it.
More information in the registration form!

Where do you meet?

We usually meet in the Vereinshaus Dornholzhausen in Bad Homburg – but occasionally in other places.
You can always find the exact venue for each meeting here: Meetings

Do I have to register if I want to stop by as a guest?

Yes, please register to one of our evenings under! In total, you can be present three times as a guest and then you should decide whether you want to become a member.

What kind of people will I meet at Toastmaster’s?

Men and women of all ages. From students to retirees. From the secretary to the company founder. Men in suits or shorts, women in costumes or jeans.
What they all have in common is the desire to speak from others and, of course, to get involved, to talk about themselves and the world out there.

Why is there so much clapping? Does it have to be that way?

Yes, it has to be. You will only find this somewhat strange at the beginning. Then it turns into flesh and blood. It’s about recognition for everyone who contributes. You probably think now that this is a little silly and “American”. Just wait. On your third visit, you won’t even think about it.

Is your club political or religious?

No, definitely not. There is no room for political agitation, which does not mean that politically based topics cannot mature into speech. Religion also doesn’t matter to us. We have no message of salvation, and among us are and were Christians, Jews, Muslims and those without a denomination. Where you come from, which religion you practice, which party you choose: it doesn’t matter to us. You can keep that to yourself. It is only important that you act respectfully and willingly towards others.

How is the club run?

By a seven-member board, which is elected annually by the general assembly.

Do you speak German throughout?

No. We are a bilingual club.
We speak German and English.

Why do you evaluat everything?

Because everyone wants to get subjective feedback. You want to know how your contribution worked – at least on one person – who rated you. This is the only way to improve yourself. Apart from the fact that an assessment can also have the character of a speech. Not only the person who is evaluated learns from it, but also the evaluator. And always keep in mind: Our reviews are always motivating and should give you a good feeling.

What are table topics?

In the second part of the evening, a so-called keynote speaker takes over the moderation. You or he provide topics and / or suggestions. A member or must give a short speech on the subject in a minute or two. The keynote speakers try to find an entertaining answer to things that may not have been asked. Guests can also be called. They enjoy the privilege of being able to refuse.

What is the statute?

You can find our statutes here:


How and where can I register?

You can retrievethe registration form as a PDF under the following link: Membership application
The form can be filled out electronically using the Internet browser, “Adobe Acrobat Reader” or “Adobe Fill & Sign”.
Submit it personally on one of our evenings or send it directly to: